SQL Recipies for Data Validation and Reports

Carlito · March 12, 2021

This is an attempt to create a longer post with a collection of short and sweet recipies for data validation and reports. The post is intended to grow over time and contain frequently used SQL snippets or scenarios.

PatIndex() and Left()

The PatIndex() function returns a position of a pattern in a string. However, in conjunction with other string functions, such as Left() it allows you to further extract string patters from a whole.

For example, a client ID and client email linked by a dash form a subscriberkey like so: 1234567890-client@example.com. To retrieve a client ID from the SubscriberKey do like so:

    Left(SubscriberKey, PatIndex('%-%', SubscriberKey) -1) AS ClientID


To revert the scenario with PatIndex() here is how to combine both ClientID and ClientEmail in order to generate the proper SubscriberKey and exclude any misused SubscriberKeys from a query:

    SubscriberKey = Concat(ClientID, '-', EmailAddress)


Aliases for link tracking are helpful, but what if you missed a chance to add them before send? This is just another use for the CASE statement.

        WHEN LinkName LIKE 'https://domain.com/articles/%' THEN 'Link to an article'
        WHEN LinkName LIKE 'https://shop.domain.com/%' THEN 'Link to e-commerce'
    END AS LinkAlias
FROM _Click
WHERE JobID = '12345'

Did Not Open for X Days

To find subscribers who opened an email up to five days ago:

FROM _Sent s
LEFT JOIN _Open o ON s.SubscriberKey = o.SubscriberKey
WHERE DateDiff(day, s.EventDate, GetUTCDate()) <= 5
AND o.SubscriberKey is NULL

To find subscribers who did not open an email for the past 90 days:

SELECT s.SubscriberKey
FROM _Subscribers s
WHERE s.SubscriberKey NOT IN
        (SELECT o.SubscriberKey
        FROM _Open o
        WHERE o.EventDate >= DateAdd(day, -90, GetDate())     


Profile attributes are stored by the platform as a string type, irrespective of the data types assigned to them. The platform casts them to their assigned type. But what if the assigned type for attributes stored in All Subscribers or a data extension is misused?

For example you want to build a segment for people between age 18 to 40. Date of birth stored in the DOB attribute in a data extension is in text. Here is how to covert it:

FROM MyDataExtension
    (Year(GetUTCDate()) - Year(Convert(date, Convert(varchar, DoB))) < 41 
     Year(GetUTCDate()) - Year(Convert(date, Convert(varchar, DoB))) > 17)

Not Engaged Subscribers

To find subscribers who did not open and did not click an email:

LEFT(s.SubscriberKey, PATINDEX('%[-]%', s.SubscriberKey) -1) AS MemberID
,s.EventDate as SentDate
,o.EventDate as OpenDate
FROM _Sent s
LEFT JOIN _Job j ON s.JobID = j.JobID
LEFT JOIN _Open o ON s.JobID = o.JobID AND s.ListID = o.ListID AND s.BatchID = o.BatchID AND s.SubscriberID = o.SubscriberID AND o.IsUnique = 1
LEFT JOIN _Click c ON s.JobID = c.JobID AND s.ListID = c.ListID AND s.BatchID = c.BatchID AND s.SubscriberID = c.SubscriberID AND c.IsUnique = 1
s.JobID = 1234567890 AND (o.SubscriberID is NULL AND c.SubscriberID is NULL)


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