Republish Triggered Send Interaction Using SSJS

Carlito · May 30, 2021

After making changes to a triggered send email you need to republish its interaction. POSTman is a perfect environment for testing triggered send emails, so here is a simple trick to republish interactions directly from POSTman.

CloudPage with SSJS

Create a CloudPage that executes a script to: pause, publish, and start a selected interaction. The interaction’s identifier (that is the CustomerKey), can be queried from a url parameter called for example the ?trigger.

<script runat="server">
    Platform.Load("core", "1");
    var triggername = "";
    triggername = Platform.Request.GetQueryStringParameter("trigger");
    if (triggername == "") {
        Write("{Trigger: underfined, Status: Error}");
    else {
        var tsd = TriggeredSend.Init(triggername);
        var pause = tsd.Pause();
        var publish = tsd.Publish();
        var start = tsd.Start();
        Write("{Trigger:" + triggername + ", Status: updated}");

Execute the Script from POSTman

POSTman is a great test environment for triggering email. Therefore, it is convinient to republish triggered send interactions directly from the POSTman. Create a GET request using the CloudPage URL and add the interaction’s CustomerKey as the ?trigger parameter value;for example:


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