Counting, Grouping, and Sorting
October 19, 2020
A few tips on grouping, counting or simply showing unique values.
Notes on Salesforce Marketing Cloud & Martech
October 19, 2020
A few tips on grouping, counting or simply showing unique values.
October 8, 2020
is used to return a boolean value, JOIN
returns a whole other table. EXISTS
is only used to test if a subquery returns results, and short circuits as soon as it does. JOIN
is used to extend a result set by combining it with additional fields from another table to which there is a relation.
September 2, 2020
A short recipe for a good-looking bullet list for emails.
July 16, 2020
This is an AMPScript snippet I submitted for the Baby Shark AMPScript Challenge organized by the How-to-SFMC Community. The total number of characters ended up at 361 (no spaces).
July 7, 2020
You have the two tables Table1 and Table2, both with a Column. To get the records from the Table1 that are not present in the Table2 (difference between T1-T2) use the following:
June 16, 2020
These are notes from a Salesforce webinar - SFMC Lookup Answers - dedicated to Server Side JavaScript. SSJS is an old version of JS and it works synchronously. API calls have asynchronous options.
June 7, 2020
CloudPages are public by defualt with no out-of-the-box solution to limit access for logged in users. The default randomized URLs provide some security through obscurity only.
May 12, 2020
These are notes from a Salesforce webinar - SFMC Lookup Answers - dedicated to AMPScript.
May 12, 2020
Content of a CloudPage is stored on an Akamai CDN thus refreshing a page (cache) may take up to 5 minutes. This little hack saves hundreds of minutes and pulled hairs every month spent on debugging AMPScript or SSJS.
May 4, 2020
A simple use case for using measures.
April 16, 2020
These articles from Litmus explain how to fix auto-linking by Gmail and Apple Mail and iOS devices. Auto-linking results in a default style for all links in email that is blue color and underline.
April 14, 2020
Marketing Cloud przechowuje dane o kontakcie w postaci profilu i atrybutów. Do atrybutów należą głównie dane demograficzne jak imię, nazwisko, adres. Dane behawioralne dostępne są w innych widokach dla kampanii emailowych.