Using Measures as Filters

Carlito · May 4, 2020

A simple use case for using measures.

Use Case

A Marketing team promoted a paid webinar, sold tickets and wanted to distribute an email campaign with a unique login code to each participant. As the code is mandatory to get in, the expected open rate for the campaign is 100%. The team prepared other communication channels to follow up in case the email was not opened (for example would send a code over Whatsapp or call the participant).

Using Measure

After the email had been sent to a sendable data extension, I created a Measure definition to select records who did not open the email (JobID). Then, I created a filtered data extension to segment subscribers and resend the email with the code. The source for the filtered data extension was the initial sendable data extension with the codes. As a filter I picked the Measure equal to 1. The resulting filtered DE contains subscribers who did not open the email.


Salesforce Documentation - Measures

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