Debugging Section for Dynamic Emails

Carlito · June 1, 2023

This is a useful block for debugging dynamic email templates. Multiple scenarios require various attribute values and/or additional rules and conditions. A debugging section shows you the attributes you’re using and how they affect the dynamic content…

Debugging Section - Code Snippet

In a debugging section, it’s essential to include a template name and specific attributes that dictate the displayed content. The code snippet iterates through the delimited attribute names (which correspond to column names in a sendable data extension) and presents each one along with its associated value for a tested Subscriber or a scenario.

Email name = %%emailname_%%<br>
  SET @rows = BuildRowsetFromString(@attributes, @separator)
  SET @rowCount = RowCount(@rows)
  FOR @i = 1 TO @rowCount DO
  SET @row = Row(@rows, @i)
  SET @attribute = Field(@row, 1)
  %%=V(@attribute)=%% = %%=AttributeValue(@attribute)=%%<br>
%%[ NEXT @i ]%%

Insert a Debugging Section

To shorten the debugging section, save the snippet in a separate code block and insert the following piece on top of the email template.

  /* Enter attributes to debug and a separator for example the '|' */
  SET @attributes = ''
  SET @separator = ''
  /* Insert the code snippet */
  Output(ContentBlockById('12345')) ]%%

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