Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) is a metric used by businesses to assess how satisfied their customers are with a specific product, service, or interaction. It provides actionable insights for enhancing customer experiences. This post demonstrates how to prepare Email Studio and CloudPages to send a CSAT survey sent in an email content block.
Inquiry and Measurements
In a CSAT survey, customers are typically asked a question like: “How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the service you received?” The response options are usually graded on a scale, often ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 represents very dissatisfied and 5 represents completely satisfied. It can also be as simple as a thumb up or thumb down.
The CSAT score is calculated by averaging the responses from customers. This score reflects their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a particular service, interaction, procedure, or product.
Elements of a CSAT Email Campaign
- An CSAT email campaign or a CSAT content block added to a newsletter that contains linked images (the thumb up and the thumb down) to allow Customer’s interaction and yield CSAT score (1 or 0).
- A Thank You page built as CloudPage to capture Customer’s CSAT score and additional attributes from the clicked thumb up/down.
- A Data Extension to store Customer’s data, the CSAT score, and additional data for example a response datestamp.
HTML Email Template
The main purpose of the ‘interactive’ email is to yield an interaction from Customers and to redirect to a ‘thank you page’ on which the CSAT score is captured and logged to a data extension. The email contains the links with the thumb up/down icons:
<div class="csat-section">
<a href="%%=CloudPagesURL(123, 'csatScore', '1')=%%"> <span class="thumbs-up">👍</span></a>
<a href="%%=CloudPagesURL(123, 'csatScore', '0')=%%"><span class="thumbs-down">👎</span></a>
Thank You CloudPage123
Links in the email redirect to this landing page which has two functions:
- Captures Customer’s data (SubscriberKey, other encrypted attributes) and the CSAT score
- Shows appreciation to Customers submitting a response to CSAT
Capture Data and Upsert to CSAT_Data_Extension
A basic version to capture the CSAT score and Customer’s data from the email to the data extension using the CloudPage. It is a good practice to check if a response from the Customer already exists or it is a first time answer.
SET @csatScore = RequestParameter("csatScore")
SET @emailname= RequestParameter("emailname")
SET @subscriberkey =_subscriberkey
SET @email= emailaddr
SET @responseDate = Lookup("CSAT_data_extension", "ResponseDate", "ContactID", @subscriberkey, "EmailName", @emailname)
IF EMPTY(@responseDate) THEN
SET @csatData = UpsertData('CSAT_data_extension', 2, 'SubscriberKey', @subscriberkey, 'EmailName', @emailname, 'Rating', @csatScore, 'ResponseDate', Now(), 'ModifiedDate', Now())
ELSEIF NOT EMPTY(@responseDate) AND NOT EMPTY(@csatScore) THEN
SET @csatData = UpdateData('CSAT_data_extension', 2, 'SubscriberKey', @subscriberkey, 'EmailName', @emailname, 'Rating', @csatScore, 'ModifiedDate', Now())
Personalized Thank You Page
The Thank You page could/should be personalized. Having the subscriberkey, you can look up additional attributes and use for dynamic content on the CloudPage.