This is a second part or another case for using AMPScript to dynamically set a background color to table rows. In this example, I use a process loop to dynamically build a table and then apply a background color to even and odd rows.
Building a Table Dynamically
Let a sample table display text delivered as delimited string from a 3rd party service (for example SOAP message with XML data). Then the BuildRowsetFromString function splits the string and returns a rowset. The number of resulting rows may vary for each message therefore I use the FOR statement to iterate through each row from the rowset and build the dynamic, personalized table.
SET @sampleList = "Text item 1||Text item 2||Text item 3||Text item 4"
SET @rows = BuildRowsetFromString(@sampleList,"||")
SET @rowCount = rowCount(@rows)
IF @rowCount > 0 THEN
<!--=========Start: Table==========-->
FOR @i = 1 to @rowCount DO
IF @indicator == "odd" THEN
SET @color = "#d3d3d3"
SET @indicator = "even"
SET @color = "#ffffff"
SET @indicator = "odd"
SET @tableRow = Row(@rows, @i)
SET @tableCell = Field(@tableRow, 1)
<tr><td bgcolor="%%=V(@color)=%%">%%=V(@tableCell)=%%</td></tr>
%%[ NEXT @i ]%%
<!--=========End: Table==========-->
%%[ ENDIF ]%%